This is not just a rumor. She confirmed it herself on Twitter.
It may mean the 24-year-old is headed back to the slammer. L.A. Superior Court Judge Elden Fox had threatened to hand her 30 days for each violation.
Lohan, who served just a fraction of her previous jail and rehab sentences, confesed on Twitter: "Regrettably, I did in fact fail my most recent drug test."
TMZ reports Lindsay Lohan had "multiple dirty tests" and that the drug in question was cocaine at least once. The actress continued her mea cupla:
"If I am asked, I am prepared to appear before judge Fox next week. Substance abuse is a disease, which unfortunately doesn't go away over night.""I am working hard to overcome it and am taking positive steps forward. I am testing every day and doing what I must to prevent any [more] mishaps."
The train wreck concludes, "This was certainly a setback for me but I am taking responsibility for my actions and I'm prepared to face the consequences."
A hearing would take place before Lindsay Lohan could be sent to jail, but a L.A. County District Attorney spokeswoman said none is scheduled ... yet.
Lohan, 24, was a successful child and teen star, was sentenced to three months in jail and then three months in rehab after an initial probation violation.
That probation related to charges for drug use and driving under the influence of alcohol following a car crash in 2007. Ever since, she's been a mess.
Despite receiving a sentence of 90 days in prison and 90 more in rehab, she ended up serving under two weeks in jail followed by 23 days in rehab.
At a hearing last month, Fox ordered the actress to attend psychotherapy, drug and alcohol counseling as well as random drug and alcohol testing.
So much for partying all night sober ... that plan never works.
Compliance would allow her to return to unsupervised probation in November, but it doesn't look like that's happening, given Lohan's admission.
The fact that she's taking responsibility is admirable, but could also mean she simply has no feasible excuse this time. She's the queen of them.
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